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FOR BOOKING contact Shannon directly at or through ‘Contact Us’ at the top of the page.

Please contact for more pricing, details, and to see which consultation is right for you. *Prices outlined do not include GST/PST*

FULL Herbal Therapeutic Consultation + Follow-up: ($200) 1 hr 30mins for initial consult + an additional 30mins for follow-up
This consultation allows for investigation into your presenting symptoms through an in-depth questionnaire, as well as, tongue diagnosis, pulse reading (optional), and body palpation techniques (optional) to uncover the root cause. Depending on the circumstances, I will be able to give an extensive outline, which I call a ‘full analysis’, of your current pharmaceutical use (if applicable), their effects on health, Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Constitution outline including lifestyle and diet suggestions for you as an individual, as well as the herbal protocol for treatment with pricing. A follow-up appointment (30mins) is needed after a minimum of 1-2 weeks, this allows me to go over the details of the analysis, monitor any treatment that was initially given, and change your individual protocol if needed, as well as give more insight into the root cause based on the initial consult intake. 

*Pricing does not include formulations and products **FULL herbal consultation can be done over the phone

‘ACUTE Concern’ Herbal Consultation: 30 minutes ($65)
This consultation is specific for acute issues where symptoms have not been around for a significant amount of time or may have very specific symptomology. A herbal protocol will be determined at the time of consultation, formulas will be made on-site to be taken home and/or on-site products will be suggested for purchase.  Types of ailments in this category would include; acute infections, early onset of symptoms like skin eruptions or acute seasonal allergies, acute cough, menopausal symptoms, headaches, etc. *Pricing does not include formulations and products

FULL Therapeutic Bodywork Package: 1 hr 15min Session ($100) This session starts with a 15-minute bodywork assessment to focus on the troubled areas for that day. Depending on the initial assessment, what can be included: Cupping, Foot Reflexology, Korean Hand Therapy (KHT or Hand reflexology) and/or Full Body Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy, Moxi-light therapy, as well as Hemi-Balance Sound Therapy with therapeutic tuning forks.

*See below for each therapy description and scroll to the bottom of the page for individual therapies/package pricing

What is Cupping?
A traditional method of encouraging blood flow, lymphatic drainage, sedating the nervous system, and loosening muscle tension by placing specialized cups (hard silicone) on specific points on a person’s body and applying varying pressure through suction. 

What is Foot Reflexology? This therapy sees the overall structure of the feet as representing different bodily structures and organs, these corresponding points are stimulated with multiple therapeutic tools and may help to relieve pain, discomfort, or dis-ease related to those areas.  This therapy is also very good for overall tension and relaxation.

What is Korean Hand Therapy?
This therapy sees all areas of the hands as representing different bodily structures and organs, these corresponding points are stimulated with multiple therapeutic tools and may help to relieve pain, discomfort, or dis-ease related to those areas. This therapy is also very good for overall tension and relaxation, especially paired with foot reflexology.

What is Full Body Acupressure with Trigger Point Therapy? Full body pressure point triggering uses the practitioner’s fingers, hands, and specialized tools to help relieve tension, release lactic acid build-up, and reduce muscle knots. This therapy can follow TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) meridians relating to organ systems and includes deep relaxation and deep tissue massage elements.

What is Moxi-lamp therapy?
A traditional Chinese and Japanese therapy that consists of deep penetrating radiant heat over specific TCM areas/meridian/acupressure points of the body. This therapy creates deep penetrating heat into the underlying tissues and is very soothing for joint pain caused by Cold/Cold-Damp, sciatica caused by Coldness, and other areas affected by Coldness, stiffness, and Dampness like the kidneys.  This therapy is also recommended for menstrual/uterine/female reproductive ailments.

What is Hemi-Balance Sound therapy? This therapy utilizes therapeutic tuning forks to balance the two hemispheres of the brain, as well as shifting the nervous system back into balance. This therapy may also be helpful for tinnitus, anxiety, and sleep disorders (multiple sessions may be needed for long-term results).

Pricing for individual bodywork therapies:      *Pricing does not include GST/PST 
Cupping: 30-45 min session with lite back/neck/shoulder massage ($60-$65)

Cupping: 60 min with neck/shouler/back massage and acupressure ($100)

Foot Reflexology: 30 min ($50)

Foot Reflexology: 1 hr with lower leg deep tissue/acupressure massage ($100)

Korean Hand Therapy (Hand Reflexology): 30 min ($50)

Korean Hand Therapy (Hand Reflexology): 1 hr with deep tissue/acupressure arm massage ($100) *pairs well with foot reflexology session for full body relaxation

Neck and Shoulder acupressure/trigger point massage: 30 min ($50)

Neck, Shoulder, and Back acupressure/trigger point massage: 1 hr ($100)

Full Body Acupressure/trigger point massage: 1 hr 30mins with deep tissue/trigger point massage ($145)

**NOTE: Most individual therapies include Moxi-light therapy as well as Hemi-Balance Sound Therapy with therapeutic tuning forks at NO additional cost
Pricing for Packaged sessions: *Pricing does not include GST/PST, package pricing to be paid up-front 

Pay 5 x 30min sessions (any therapy) for $45/session *$10 additional fee for cupping

Pay 10x 30min sessions (any therapy) for $40/session (get 11th 30min session for free!) *$10 additional fee for cupping

Pay 5 x 1hr sessions (any therapy) for $95/session

Pay 10 x 1hr sessions (any therapy) for $90/session (get 11th 1hr session for free!)