Please contact for pricing, more details, and to see which consultation is right for you.
Full Consultation + Follow-up: 1.5hrs + 30mins
This consultation allows for investigation into your presenting symptoms through an in-depth questionnaire, as well as, tongue diagnosis, pulse reading (optional), and body palpation techniques (optional) to uncover the root cause. Depending on the circumstances, I will be able to give an extensive outline, which I call a ‘full analysis’, of your current pharmaceutical use and their effects on health, Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Constitution outline including lifestyle and diet suggestions for you as an individual, as well as the herbal protocol for treatment with pricing. A follow-up appointment (30mins) is needed after a minimum of 1-2 weeks, this allows me to go over the details of the analysis, monitor any treatment that was initially given, and change your individual protocol if needed, as well as give more insight into the root cause based on the initial consult intake.
‘Acute Concern’ Consultation: 30 minutes
This consultation is specific for acute ailments where symptoms have not been around for a long period of time, or for very specific symptomology. Types of ailments in this category would include; acute infections, early onset of symptoms like skin eruptions or acute seasonal allergies, acute cough, menopausal symptoms, headaches, etc.
*Bodywork Therapies*
Note these must be booked after an ‘Acute Concern’ or Full Consultation to determine if the bodywork is right for your therapeutic needs.
Full Therapeutic Bodywork Package: 1.15hr Session This session starts with a 15 minute bodywork assessment to focus on the troubled areas on the day, then includes; Cupping and Korean Hand Acupressure, followed by Moxi-light (therapeutic radiant light, deep penetrating heat into tissues) and Korean Hand Therapy with electro-stimulation, then a hand massage during continued Moxi-light therapy until finished.
Cupping Session Minimum 30 Minute Session
A traditional method of encouraging blood flow, sedating the nervous system, and loosening muscle tension by placing specialized cups (plastic) on specific points on a person’s body and applying varying pressure through suction. The cupping session includes a relaxing hand massage OR a Korean hand acupressure therapy session during cupping (KHT option at an additional cost).
Korean Hand Therapy Session: 15 Minute Session
Note this therapy is available when a cupping or moxibustion session is booked and incurs an additional cost. This therapy sees each area of the hand as representing different bodily structures and organs, these corresponding points are stimulated with a tool and released to help relieve pain, discomfort, or dis-ease related to those areas.
Moxibustion Session: 15 Minute Session Minimum
A traditional Chinese and Japanese therapy that consists of burning tightly packed mugwort dried herb in a stick over specific TCM meridian/acupuncture/acupressure points of the body, this causes deep penetrating heat into the underlying tissues and is very soothing for joint pain caused by Cold/Cold-Damp, sciatica caused by Coldness, and other areas affected by Coldness, stiffness, and Dampness like the kidneys. This therapy is also recommended for menstrual/uterine/female reproductive ailments.