\”To optimize the use of herbal medicines, further controlled studies are urgently needed to
explore their potential for interactions with conventional drugs and to delineate the underlying mechanisms\”, (Shi, S, & Klotz, U 2012, pg.2)
Link to Article: Drug and herbal interactions article
This is a really interesting and well-outlined article giving an in-depth view of drug-herb, based on liver-enzymes, interactions. I really liked the summary of interactions from pages 5 to 9, which included the liver enzymes acted upon, and if they were inhibitory, additive or inductive responses. This article is pretty heavy with scientific jargon, but very informative non-the-less, just try not to get caught-up in the enzyme short-hand, as it is not that important for the general consumer to know this kind of detail. I particularly thought it was interesting that there has been a significant amount of studies done of St. John\’s Wort and drug-herb interactions.
\”The clinical implications of any drug interaction depend on
a variety of factors, such as co-administered drugs, the health
status of the patients, the composition of the herbal medicine
and the applied dosage regimens\”, (Shi, S, & Klotz, U 2012, pg.19)
Picture: http://wesharepics.info/imagedgkl-drug-herb-interactions.asp
Article: Shi, S, & Klotz, U 2012, \’Drug Interactions with Herbal Medicines\’, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 51, 2, pp. 77-104, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 March 2016.