Klaus Ferlow, Honorable Master Herbalist (HMH), Dominion Herbal College, Herbal Advocate (HA), Canadian Herbalist Association of British Columbia, founder of Ferlow Botanicals (1975), since 1993 manufacturer/distributor of herbal medicinal personal care products with no harmful ingredients to holistic practitioners and selected stores across Canada and parts of USA and NEEM RESEARCH in 2013.
Author, formulator, lecturer, researcher, writer and member of the Health Action Network Society, Ayurveda Association of Canada, Canadian Herbalist\’s Association of B.C., National Health Federation, The Herb Society, International Herb Association, United Plant Savers.
Founder of NEEM RESEARCH organization (2013) to protect and promote the precious healing gift to humanity.
Author of over 80 educational articles including 12 articles about the miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree that offers better plant, human, animal, and environmental health, about health, healing, herbs, nutrition that have been published in English nationally and internationally in health & women\’s magazines, also online since 1995.
In HIndi in India and Canada, also online
For the book \”Neem: Nature\’s Healing Gift to Humanity\” I received the GOLD MEDAL under the category \”Health & Wellness\” by the Jenkins Group & Independent Publisher, Traverse City, MI, United States of America in their annual 2019 LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDS!
On my website you can obtain 56 powerful positive testimonials about my neem book from 17 countries inclusive from the world renowned scientists, entomologists and neem researchers Professor Dr. Heinrich Schmutterer from Germany and Dr. Ramesh C. Saxena, Chairman of the Neem Foundation and co-founder of the World Neem Organisation, Mumbai, India.
Radio & TV interviews
In 2004 and 2006 I was interviewed by the host Peter Mayhew, Director of Advanced Education at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, North York (Toronto), Ontario at the CHUM radio station, Toronto with Affiliated radio station across Canada on the program \”Human Nature\” about the neem tree,https://www.iheartradio.ca
In 2017, 2019 and 2020 interviewed together with Dr. Arun Garg, MD by host Shushma Datt, Spice radio, Burnaby, B.C. about the \”Miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree.,
In 2014 interviewed by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, Monrovia, CA, USA as host of the TSN radio, Dublin, Ireland, topic\”The miraculous versatile neem tree\” and \”Harmful dangerous, hazardous toxic chemicals in cosmetics & personal care products.\”https://thenhf.com
In 2018 interviewed by host Mike Zaremba of Vancouver Real about the \”wonder tree\” neem, http://www.vancouverreal.tv
In 2018 interviewed by host Ken McCarthy, Director of the Plant Wisdom Organization, Tivoli, N.Y., United States of America, about \”The incredible neem tree.\”
In 2012, interviewed by the India National Television station at the World Neem Confernce in Nagpur, India about the \”benefits and healing power of neem and my personal experience with psoriasis and neem.\”
In 2014 and 2016 interviewed by host Harpreet Singh f the \”Harpreet Singh Show\”, https://www.joytv.ca, an 2019 and 2020 together with Dr. Arun Garg, Md, see bio:https://pathology.ubc.ca/faculty/arun-garg
I am one of the 14 co-founders from Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, India, North America, Europe and The Middle East, establishing in 2017 the WNO – WORLD NEEM ORGANISATION, Mumbai, India. I attended as speaker the World Neem Conference in Nagpur, India in 2012 and the first Neem Seminar/Conference and Trade Fair in Bangalore, India in 2018.
I represent North America, Germany, United Kingdom and the Scandinavian countries.
Ferlow Botanicals is the only Canadian manufacturer, distributor of AYURVEDIC herbal personal care products with no harmful ingredients in Canada and was one of the first to introduce neem to Western consumers!
I am the only Canadian neem researcher since 1994 and only Canadian author of neem consumer books \”Neem: Nature\’s powerful skin remedy\”, published in 2013 and \”Neem: Nature\’s Healing Gift to Humanity\” published in 2015, also Co-author of the book \” \”7 Steps to Dental health,\” published by Max Haroon in 2010
Received as the only 4th recipient from North America\’s oldest school of Herbal Medicine, in their history, founded in 1926, the Dominion Herbal College the prestigious Award of HONORABLE Master Herbalist in 2008, www.dominionherbalcollege.com
I have done educational lectures at public health shows across Canada, International Herb Association Conference, Health Action Network Society, Institute of Holistic Nutrition, British Columbia Association of Practising Aromaterhapists, British Columbia Qualified Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner Association, Universities and Naturopathic Colleges in North York, (Toronto), Ontario, Boucher Institute of Naturopathic College, New Westminster, B.C. and the University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Also educational product seminars with a variety of Ferlow Botanicals customers across Canada.
I will continue WITH PASSION to educate and promote the benefits and healing power of the miraculous versatile neem tree which eventually might become even \”THE EARTH\’S SAVIOUR\” since it changed my life after suffering for over 40 years from severe psoriasis on my scalp and elbows by using our Ayurvedic herbal personal neem care products alleviating my health problem and the life of our family. After retirement from our 100% Canadian owned & operated family business our oldest son Peter, he was from the beginning with the company, and his wife Ruth has taken over and they continue in the same way offering premium quality herbal medicinal products without harmful ingredients to holistic practitioners/clinics and selected stores across Canada and parts of United States of America successfully with excellent service.
Klaus Ferlow, Honorary Master Herbalist (HMH) www.dominionherbalcollege.com, Herbal Advocate (HA) Canadian Herbalist\’s Association of B. C., www.chaofbc.ca
Yours in health, Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA, PO Box 190, Roberts Creek, B.C. V0N 2W0, Tel. 778-508-7249