Link to guide: Mothering Mag Herbs and Pregnancy
So I have been learning all about herbs and their actions, finally, in my Materia Medica 1 class and I randomly found this little gem just on Google, all about herbs and pregnancy. Its a handy guide and great to give to someone who is interested in natural health and how to incorporate herbs into one\’s pregnancy. Here\’s the first little blip from the guide to give you a taste:
\”The past decades have vastly improved outcomes in high-risk pregnancies and births, yet with these improvements has come the omnipresence of technology in nearly all aspects of normal childbearing. The desire
to avoid unnecessary interventions and a trend toward what is natural have led
many pregnant women to seek alternatives—for example, the use of herbs—for
the treatment of common pregnancy complaints. Studies and surveys estimate
that up to 45 percent of women have used herbs during pregnancy.\”
If you or anyone you know is pregnant and wants a handy guide to herbal medicines, then print this off and enjoy! Thanks, and be aware and eat with care 🙂
Ref: B y A v i v A R o m m, mothering | j a n u a ry • 56 f e b r u a ry 2 0 0 8