breakfastcereal systematic review 2014
Click on the underlined link above to read everything you have ever wanted to know about the health effects of breakfast cereal. This is a great review if you are ever on the fence about if you should or shouldn\’t eat breakfast cereals. This review goes into more detail about cereal then you would ever dream. It covers everything from energy %, to cardiovascular health, hypertension and even dental cavities. Even-though they come to the conclusion that high-sugar cereals do not increase overall sugar intake seen throughout the day in most children-teens, I still would not recommend these cereals (they spike energy in a short amount of time and may cause sugar cravings). Opt for high fibre, low added sugar cereals. Making your own granola/museli is a great way to get part of your daily fibre intake, and it\’s soluble fibre which releases energy slowly throughout the morning. Check out my Granolishious Granola recipe to make your own! Enjoy reading! Be aware and eat with care 🙂
Ref: Peter G. Williams*
University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia; and University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia 2014 American Society for Nutrition. Adv. Nutr. 5: 636S–673S