Articles + handout: Can mindfulness be empirically studied?


Empirical definition of mindfulness:  

‘full attention to internal and external experiences as they occur in the present moment’ and ‘an attitude characterized by non-judgment of, and openness to, this current experience’

-Gotink et al. (2015, p.2)

Article 1:  Mindfulness systematic review article

Article 2:  Buddhist mindful vs contemporary psychology paradox article

Article 3/handout:  10.MindfulnessinEverydayLife

Recently, lots of people have been talking about being mindful, but I never really got the concept or understanding on how to be mindful, and I always questioned it validity, so I researched it.  I found a lot of articles trying to empirically test if mindfulness does have a physical and mental effect, and most conclude that mental change occurs in relation to depression and anxiety, but physical change is yet to be seen.  In any case mindfulness is used a therapeutic technique for people with chronic illness and is also becoming fairly mainstream. I\’ve lost my mindfulness and wish to become more grounded by using the techniques outlined in article 3/handout.  I hope you enjoy learning about the empirical evidence around mindfulness, and give it a try yourself!  Make your own conclusions.  Did it help you?  Thanks for reading, and be aware and eat with care 🙂


Article 1: Gotink, R, Chu, P, Busschbach, J, Benson, H, Fricchione, G, & Hunink, M 2015, \’Standardised Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Healthcare: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of RCTs\’,  Plos ONE, 10, 4, pp. 1-17, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 June 2015.

Article 2:  Huxter, M 2012, \’Buddhist mindfulness practices in contemporary psychology: A paradox of incompatibility and harmony\’,Psychotherapy In Australia, 18, 2, p. 26, Informit Health Collection, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 June 2015.

Article 3/handout:

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