Article.1 link: Pain management using music therapy, postoperative breast cancer patients study 1
Article.2 link: Pain management, music therapy, cardiac patients study 2
Click on the above links to read some very insightful studies into how music therapy can help ease the pain after invasive surgery. Music therapy is just one of many alternative techniques to using pain drugs, or in combination. Obviously invasive surgery puts a toll on ones body, but music therapy can be a great way to ease the mind, which was a great effect on the physiological symptoms of pain and anxiety. Always be informed, and read, read, read, because knowledge is power! Enjoy! Be aware and eat with care 🙂
Article.1: Li, X, Yan, H, Zhou, K, Dang, S, Wang, D, & Zhang, Y 2011, \’Effects of music therapy on pain among female breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy: results from a randomized controlled trial\’, Breast Cancer Research & Treatment, 128, 2, p. 411, Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File, EBSCOhost, viewed 15 July 2015.
Article.2: Cutshall, S, Anderson, P, Prinsen, S, Wentworth, L, Olney, T, Messner, P, Brekke, K, Zhuo, L, Sundt III, T, Kelly, R, & Bauer, B 2011, \’Effect of the Combination of Music and Nature Sounds on Pain and Anxiety in Cardiac Surgical Patients: A Randomized Study\’,Alternative Therapies In Health & Medicine, 17, 4, pp. 16-23, Alt HealthWatch, EBSCOhost, viewed 15 July 2015.