Organic food is higher in antioxidants and lower in pesticide residues

Br J Nutr.  2014 Jun 26:1-18. [Epub ahead of print] Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. BaraÅ„ski M1,  Srednicka-Tober D1,  Volakakis N1,  Seal C2,  Sanderson R3,  Stewart GB1,  Benbrook C4,  Biavati B5,  Markellou E6,  Giotis C7,  Gromadzka-Ostrowska J8,  RembiaÅ‚kowska […]

Organic food is higher in antioxidants and lower in pesticide residues Read More »

2 Articles: Pesticides: Our Children in Jeopardy + Link to: Study links pesticide exposure in pregnancy to autism

Article 1:  Pesticides: Our Children in Jeopardy *Don\’t be scared off by the name, this was written in the US and they go for shock value, but it does point out some major research that has been happening around pesticides and adverse effects on development.  Click on the link below 🙂 Pesticides and autism article

2 Articles: Pesticides: Our Children in Jeopardy + Link to: Study links pesticide exposure in pregnancy to autism Read More »

Resource-based Economy?

Resource-based economy.  Its a theory, but it is already being seen today among people that are pushing for organic foods, local farming efforts, decreased use of pesticides, recycling initiatives, union support, and changing mentalities about health and wellness.  The URL above brings you to a perspective changing movie, and makes you question the system more

Resource-based Economy? Read More »

Complementary cancer treatment and mega-doses of Vitamin C: Recommendation for research: Peer-reviewed systematic review

Cancer treatment and megadoses of Vit C recommedations for research Click on the above link to read a systematic review on research about Vit C and treatment of cancers: breast, lung, prostate, lymphatic, etc…  The authors are recommending that more research be conducted on the effectiveness of Vitamin C and other antioxidant vitamins in order

Complementary cancer treatment and mega-doses of Vitamin C: Recommendation for research: Peer-reviewed systematic review Read More »

Article: Chinese herbal medicine for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Age Associated Memory Impairment: a review of randomised controlled trials

Chinese herbal medicine and mild dementis systematic review Click on the underlined link above to read a  systematic review on Chinese and English randomized-control trials looking to determine if Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) can improve mild dementia onset or mild cognitive impairment (MCI).  The herbal lists are included in the tables and its an interesting

Article: Chinese herbal medicine for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Age Associated Memory Impairment: a review of randomised controlled trials Read More »