Article: The dubious practice of detox by Harvard Medical School

Link to article:  Harvard Detox Article
So this article dabbles into detoxifying programs.  It gives a nice definition of detox and some of the most popular ones, their effects, their effectiveness, as well as, prices, which is nice. Detox programs are tricky and there is way too much choice out there that can make it extremely confusing.  It is always recommended to visit and consult your health practitioner before going on a detox program, especially if you are a diabetic.  I suggest going to a Naturopath, as they specialise in herbal treatments, and most detox programs include herbal remedies. Naturopath\’s might even be able to make a detox program specifically for you.  I had this done for me for my erratic hormones and I could not be happier with the outcome.  Always read reviews on detox programs, do some research and keep informed.  Its better to take the time do some due-diligence so you do the detox the right way, the first time, or you can end up making yourself very sick.  I hope this article helps with some of your choices.  Cheers and happy reading!  Be aware and eat with care 🙂
Ref:  Harvard Women\’s Health Watch  (HARV WOMENS  HEALTH  WATCH), 2008 May; 15 (9): 1-3.

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