
2 Articles: "Effects of Micronutrients on Heavy Metals" and "Nutrition and metal toxicity"

micronutrients effects on heavy metals article micronutrient effects on heavy metals 2 Click on the underlined links above to read a really interesting articles on how important it is to keep on a healthy diet in order to lower the damage of heavy metals on the mind and body. Heavy metals are found everywhere, from […]

2 Articles: "Effects of Micronutrients on Heavy Metals" and "Nutrition and metal toxicity" Read More »

Interesting Link: Fluoride Information Website *Everything you ever wanted to know and more*

http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html Enter the web address above (in bold)  to your browser to link to an amazingly thorough website on the mineral, Fluoride.  This website links to tons of abstracts on studies done on the effects on Fluoride, as well as, some full research papers and studies!  If your thinking, \”well who cares about Fluoride,\” I

Interesting Link: Fluoride Information Website *Everything you ever wanted to know and more* Read More »

Interesting video: EARTHLINGS *not for the faint at heart, extremely graphic and will turn you vegan or vegetarian

I have been transitioning slowly to vegetarianism as I collected evidence of mass animal cruelty and how inefficient the meat industry really is. I officially proclaim myself a vegetarian after watching what I can only say is the truth of the industry. At first I cried and cried, then I came to the conclusion that

Interesting video: EARTHLINGS *not for the faint at heart, extremely graphic and will turn you vegan or vegetarian Read More »

Interesting video: Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity

Really interesting TEDTalk from a doctor that has MS.  She \”cured\” herself, as much as she can, with diet alone, after countless medical procedures did not help.  It really shows the concept that food is medicine.  It\’s amazing to see someone go from chair/bed ridden to walking and talking on stage telling her story.  Really

Interesting video: Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity Read More »

Let's learn how to properly read FOOD LABELS!

Quick Food Label Guide Click on the underlined link above to a super simple and quick reference when reading food labels.  It\’s from Queensland Australia, but that doesn\’t mean it won\’t apply to labels from other parts of the world, they are usually all the same lay out. http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/LabelingNutrition/ucm274593.htm#nutrients If you want a more detailed

Let's learn how to properly read FOOD LABELS! Read More »

Article: Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy: The Effect on Neurodevelopment in the Child

Link to :  sess 20 req read iodine Click on the underlined link above to read a really interesting study on Iodine and pregnancy/foetal development.  Iodine is a trace mineral, which means that our body\’s need a very small amount of it.  Without this essential mineral, as seen with deficiencies, the body cannot growth and

Article: Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy: The Effect on Neurodevelopment in the Child Read More »