
Article: Micro-nutrient changes during food processing and storage

Link to article:  Micronutrients effected during processing and storage article Click on the underlined link above to read a good summary on food processing techniques and how they change micro-nutrient content within different foods.  This is the topic for my essay that I need to write this week, but its hard to choose just two

Article: Micro-nutrient changes during food processing and storage Read More »

Article: Hydrotherapy: a forgotten Australian therapeutic modality

Link to article:  Hydrotherapy article Click on the underlined link above to read about the somewhat lost art of hydrotherapy.  Now, there is a common misunderstanding that hydrotherapy only involves water-colonic irrigation, which is not the case.  This article gives a very good summary of the different types of hydrotherapy methods and some of the

Article: Hydrotherapy: a forgotten Australian therapeutic modality Read More »

Article: Environmental, Energetic, and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems

Article link:  Organic vs conventional farming styles article \”The crop yields and economics of organic systems, compared with conventional systems, appear to vary based on the crops, regions, and technologies employed in the studies. However, the environmental benefits attributable to reduced chemical inputs, less soil erosion, water conservation, and improved soil organic matter and biodiversity

Article: Environmental, Energetic, and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems Read More »

Article: Supporting community patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Article link:  Summary IBS Article Click on the underlined link above to read a great, short summary of the diagnosis, treatment options and community nursing support for people suffering from IBS.  IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a growing problem throughout Western countries.  I have my suspicions that it has to do with all the

Article: Supporting community patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Read More »

Article: Ethical Considerations of Doll Therapy for people with Dementia

Article Link:  Ethical considerations of doll therapy for people with dementia Click on the underlined link above to read an informative article on Doll Therapy for people with dementia.  I found it interesting because I volunteer in an elderly home for people with dementia, and I always wondered why some of the residents had dolls

Article: Ethical Considerations of Doll Therapy for people with Dementia Read More »

Article: Macronutrients, aluminium from drinking water and foods, and other metals in cognitive decline and dementia

Article link:  Macronutrients, aluminum from drinking water and food, and other metals in cognitive decline and dementia Click on the underlined journal article title above to read a very comprehensive systematic review on dementia precursors and a simple prevention diet.  I\’m not going to lie it is a bit of a hard read at first,

Article: Macronutrients, aluminium from drinking water and foods, and other metals in cognitive decline and dementia Read More »