
Articles: Herbs for stress!

Article. 1:  Tusi- Ocimum sanctum herb for stress article Article. 2:  Medicinal herbs with Adaptogen (stress relief) action article Stress comes in many forms, mentally, physically or spiritually.  Stress is a normal part of everyday life but sometimes, like around exams, it can become overwhelming.  These articles describe very useful herbs to battle unhealthy stress […]

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Handout and Article: Topic of Libido enhancement!! Yay!

Article #1 handout/download:  Expanded Academic ASAP – Document – Exploring scientifically proven herbal aphrodisiacs Article #2 link:  Arginmax supplement for female sexual functioning So this week I have decided to dip into the topic of libido or  sexual arousal.  This is a pretty interesting topic and doesn\’t specifically relate only to men and erectile dysfunction,

Handout and Article: Topic of Libido enhancement!! Yay! Read More »

Pharmaceutical Information: Mini Drug Monographs by Me

Link to my  Mini monographs A drug monograph is like a short information sheet about many elements and the health effects of a pharmaceutical drug or herb.  This assignment outlines examples, indications (conditions it is used for), efficacy and limitations, cautions and contradictions, and adverse health effects for: Oral Contraception Pill (Triphasic formulation), Warfarin (anti-coagulant

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Article: The Adverse Effects of Food Additives on Health: A Review of the Literature with Special Emphasis on Childhood Hyperactivity

Link to article:  Additives and child hyperactivity article \”today about 75% of the Western diet is made up of various processed foods, each person is now consuming an average 8-10 lbs of food additives per year\” (p.225) So I read this article on the plane ride to Canada and I must say its a big

Article: The Adverse Effects of Food Additives on Health: A Review of the Literature with Special Emphasis on Childhood Hyperactivity Read More »