
Article: Sprouts! Nutritional guide and evidence on health

Link to article:  sprouts nutritional attributes reading So this is a great little guide to different sprouts and their nutritional attributes, as well as, contributions to health.  If you haven\’t ever sprouted, then I suggest trying!  Its really easy to do in-doors and in any climate.  Check out some YouTube videos on sprouting to get

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2 Articles: Antioxidants in dietary plants reading AND Apples as super foods + Handout: Sweeteners to avoid and caffeine content

Link to article:  Antioxidants in dietary plants reading Link to article:  apples as super foods article reading Ever wonder why they say, \”An apple a day keeps the doctor away\”?  Its because of antioxidants!!!  Well that\’s just one reason.  Read the article above about apples and why they have been a nutritious staple super-food in

2 Articles: Antioxidants in dietary plants reading AND Apples as super foods + Handout: Sweeteners to avoid and caffeine content Read More »

Handout: Herbs for the mom-to-be: Sound advice for using medicinal plants to treat common pregnancy ailments

Link to guide:  Mothering Mag Herbs and Pregnancy So I have been learning all about herbs and their actions, finally, in my Materia Medica 1 class and I randomly found this little gem just on Google, all about herbs and pregnancy.  Its a handy guide and great to give to someone who is interested in

Handout: Herbs for the mom-to-be: Sound advice for using medicinal plants to treat common pregnancy ailments Read More »

Article: Mind-altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behaviour

Abstract from article:  Recent years have witnessed the rise of the  gut  microbiota as a major topic of research interest in biology. Studies are revealing how variations and changes in the composition of the  gut  microbiota influence normal physiology and contribute to diseases ranging from inflammation to obesity. Accumulating data now indicate that the  gut

Article: Mind-altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behaviour Read More »

Quick-view Handouts: Lipids (fats), Ayurvedic Medicine Constitutions, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Phytochemicals

Click here for handouts:  Lipids, Ayurvedic constitutions, TCM, and Phytochemical summary handouts So these handouts are quick-views and summaries of the basic principles of Ayurvedic and TCM complementary medicine approaches, as well as, lipid (fat) break-down charts, and phytochemicals (chemical compounds found in plants).  Now I haven\’t given a full break-down of what some of

Quick-view Handouts: Lipids (fats), Ayurvedic Medicine Constitutions, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Phytochemicals Read More »

Article: Probiotics: An overview of beneficial effects

Article Link:  Probiotics overview article Click on the underlined link above to read a summary paper on probiotics (helpful micro-organisms or bacteria) and their potential and researched effects on human health when taken as supplements or in fermented foods.  Now, this article is fairly technical, so if you start to read and your getting overwhelmed

Article: Probiotics: An overview of beneficial effects Read More »